Advantages and Glitches of Using Video Conferencing System

Video conferencing is a modern technology that allows viewers in different regions to hold face to face meetings without moving anywhere. A person sitting at one corner of the globe can converse with a person sitting at another corner. Video Conferencing systems are incredibly popular to create money-spinning products in businesses. Advantage and Disadvantage of Using Video Conferencing We know that everything in the world hasboth pros and cons. Similarly, video conferencing also has some pros and cons and they are summarized as follows: Pros: Ø Through video conferencing, you can communicate with people sitting at other corner of the globe via internet. This reduces the cost of travelling from one place to another. Thus, video conferencing is a cost-efficient solution than conventional method of meeting. A variety of video conferencing products are provided by the Videoconferencing Abu Dhabi . Ø As in the new technology of video conferencing people don’t have to...